Who is Mannanan?

Manannan Consulting International Sea Power Security Transnational criminal networks thrive on instability in Africa, Middle East, South and Central America. Drug-fueled violence from these networks corrupts the rule of law and has forced historic levels of migration throughout the world and western hemisphere borders. These networks historically smuggle drugs and weapons, but today their own…

ISPS Drills and Exercises

The ISPS code provides regulations and guidances about drills and exercises for Security and Non-security personnel: Under the provisions of the ISPS Code Part A, Sections 18.3 and 18.4 and Part B, Sections 18.4, 18.5 and 18.6, Port Facilities are required to conduct maritime security drills at least every three months and participate in maritime…

The Periodical Port Facility Security Assessment

What is a Periodical Port Facility Security Assessment? The Port Facility Security Assessment is a mandatory assessement introduced by the International Port and Ships Security code annexed in 2004 to the SOLAS convention after 09/11/01. It should occurs at least every 5 years under the responsabilty of the state hosting the port. The assessment review…

French Ships Security Armed Guards bound to 9mm guns

Following a recent change made in May in the french regulations about the weapons authorizd onboard ships for Private Armed Security Agents are now limited to 9mm rifles, carbines or SMG without consideration for smaller ammunition like the affordable rimfire .22 Lr especially in low velocity when it comes fo fight on board. This change…

Why «International Security» ?

«The trident of Neptune is the scepter of the world… but only if skillfully used to strike land» Admiral Castex, French Navy, 1927. 95% of the goods entering United States for example are shipped in through ports. it means that maritime shipping is THE vector of traffic and terrorism. It is known that Al-Quaeda once…

What is Maritime Security?

Maritime Security mainly consist of the protection of international goods and passengers shipping by the enforcement of the ISPS code and other regulations. It could go as far as the deployement of Ship Protection Teams aboard sensible vessels that sail through sensitive areas such as the South Carribean, South Mediterranea, Gulf of Guinea, Indian Ocean…

What is Port Security?

Port Security is an ancient concern that used to be the duty of navies and coast guards. With the disparition of organized piracy during the XIXth century and the expend of «Blue Waters Navies» following the adoption of steam and then oil for propulsion, Port Security has became a minor activity mostly concerning smugglers and…

Why Sea Power?

Sea power is a concept developped by the naval strategist A.T Mahan at the end of the XIXth century and has served as guidelines for the expansion of the US Navy from a coastal force to the 1st rank upon the seas. The concept mostly repose on the protection of civil and merchant trafic as…